My Take On Ubuntu's "Convergence" And The Future Of On-Screen Tech

I think Ubuntu either realizes "convergence" is wrong, or they are simply marketing the word.
It is at the least ridiculous today to talk about "convergence" on OS level, even more if on the same OS. It is even wrong to talk about convergence on a device level. The future of convergence is the on screen level. What people see, where people interact. And screens ofcourse can be virtual too, not always physical.
An example is the car IVI (in car entertainment systems)where no matter if you spend $100,000,000 for a Porsche, your IVI will be outdated in 2-3 years, and considering the role that software plays presently but mostly its role for cars after 2020, your Porsche will be a garbage, with expensive leather seats.
Here the plan for car industry is to let owners to plug their own devices on cars, that connect with the central "brain" of the vehicle (thats mostly sensors) and messaging the user device, that can be an iOS or Android or Tizen or Ubuntu. Notice that, that way you dont just update software, but also the hardware that the software runs.
The problem here is that it is inefficient for software developers to support all devices and all OSes by writing apps for each system. Multiply the car example for every possible system that use any form of electronics and has a screen.
Now there is this standard that its tools have been totally fragmented, from 100s of companies, called Javascript, that magically works everywhere, in any screen and it is also capable of running directly from cloud.
I believe that in four years from today, in 2020 when everything will be screen based, Javascript (and most correctly WEB tech, it can be on C) will have overcome all the technical difficulties and it would be the only real "convergence".
Last time I talked about black-screen, a JS based terminal emulator, that its developers built for OSX and they had no idea if it works in Linux. Well it works. That is convergence. Build once, run everywhere.
And I think that open source communities should look into web technologies, if they want to follow and provide us with really greatcomputingscreen experience!
Just a thought anyway!
-yours' truely-
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26 January 2016 at 15:19 ×

this is so on point, it is actually so rare finding such open minded articles about the future of onscreen tech

Selamat Unknown dapat PERTAMAX...! Silahkan antri di pom terdekat heheheh...

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